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6 Questions CFOs Can Use to Help Uplevel Their Team | ModVenturesLLC

6 Questions CFOs Can Use to Help Uplevel Their Team

March 27, 2024

As your business or organization grows, you’ll need to rely on your team members more often. But, rather than looking for outside help – you can start by identifying your team’s abilities and looking for places of growth. One of the easiest ways to do this is to sit down with your team and ask insightful and impactful questions.

Upleveling a team can be difficult and time-consuming, as it requires a lot of upfront work, even though the changes it brings are game-changing. If you’re truly looking to optimize your team and keep performance at its peak, you should consider asking these questions in regular, quarterly meetings with your team as a group and as individuals.

Now, let’s get into the questions you should be asking and why you’re asking them as a CFO:

#1. Skill Assessment

Ask, “Can you describe the tasks or projects you are currently working on that you feel are below your skill level? How do these tasks impact your motivation and career aspirations?”

The first step in identifying areas of potential growth or development is identifying where your team members are currently. While you should look at their performance results and work, this question lets you in on how they see themselves and their skills. Encourage them to communicate any concerns, suggest opportunities for skill development, and keep in mind that their work may feel stagnated or seem disengaged (which can also lead to quiet quitting) – but the tasks may be below their level, impacting motivation to complete the projects.

#2. Career Aspirations

Ask, “What are your long-term career goals, and what skills or experiences do you believe you need to achieve these goals?”

While question #1 may have brought career aspirations into the conversation, it’s important to follow up and ask directly what their goals are. Asking what their goals and aspirations are can help you place them in the correct position that will allow them to grow in the career they want. Not only will your team members be more productive, but they’ll feel inspired and listened to, which can help with employee turnover.

#3. Learning and Development

Ask, “Are there specific areas or skills you want to develop? How do you think these skills will contribute to your career progression?”

68% of workers say they would stay with their employer throughout their career if the employer made an effort to upskill them ( – that’s a pretty high percentage, right? But knowing exactly who is interested in skill development is up to you, and this question is a great conversation starter and will help you do just that. And, in most cases, it’s much easier to provide skill development for a current team member over going through the rehiring process.

#4. Feedback on Current Role

Ask, “In what ways do you feel your current role utilizes your strengths, and in what ways does it not? Are there any tasks or responsibilities you would like to take on that align more closely with your skills and interests?”

Not every team member will want to change their role or move to another part of your organization; some are very content with where they are but are still looking for ways to improve and grow. Getting their feedback on their current role is crucial and will help you ensure they’re placed in a position where they’ll thrive.

#5. Support and Resources

Ask, “What kind of support or resources can the organization provide to help you develop the skills or gain the experiences you need for your career growth?”

This is a necessary question, although you should absolutely have resources available beforehand. With this question in mind, your team members have an opportunity to speak up about the things they feel they need – and for you to listen. If possible, try and take action as soon as possible. While it doesn’t need to be something major, make an effort to prove that you were listening and that you’re dedicated to giving them the resources they need, even if it’s in a smaller capacity for the moment.

#6. Vision and Alignment

Ask, “How do you see your role evolving to align with the company’s goals and professional aspirations? What changes or opportunities would benefit you and the team most?”

We always suggest asking questions regarding vision and alignment to get the most out of your meeting – this is a great opportunity to begin to identify potential leaders and get insight on how your team is working together. Similar to asking about support and resources, you should try to take action as soon as possible, even if that’s just a statement sent to the team about upcoming changes and potential opportunities. 

And while you should ask these questions, you can ask even more. As you hold these meetings and talk with your team members, you’ll notice areas of improvement for yourself and how you’re interacting with your team. 

If you’re ready to build a strong financial foundation and establish a virtual finance team for your business or organization, get in touch with ModVentures today.


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